Flow Monitoring

RDH has over 30 years of flow monitoring experience in open channel flow from 1 to over 100 sites utilizing the latest technologies

  • RDH performs monitoring for collection systems, Engineering, process flows, open channel, storm water, and water lines (full pipe applications).
  • Sensors: Ultrasonic, Area Velocity, Flo-Dar (Laser) bubbler, pressure, and electromagnetic  meter calibrations.
  • Loggers and meters with optional remote monitoring with web and smart phone data access including text and e-mail alerts.
  • Specializing in all types of flow equipment manufactures and models including service
  • RDH is the Service Provider covering Arizona and New Mexico terriories for all  HACH flow products and Data Delivery Services (DDS).

Contact us about your flow monitoring needs

Compliance Made Simple (602) 381-1960 | services@rdh-env.com