Installation and Servicing of Equipment, Systems, & Remote Monitoring

Confined Space Entry:
- Trained and certified Personnel and Technicians for Confined Space Entry
- Flow meters and sensors: Ultrasonic, Area Velocity, Flo-Dar (Laser), bubbler, pressure, and electromagnetic
- Pumps: Chemical Feed, Injection and Mixing
- Controls and meter setup, programming and troubleshooting

Remote Monitoring:
- Cellular monitoring systems with text and web alerts, logging and displayed data & graphs.

- Maintenance and Installation of multiple types of wastewater equipment and systems including Chemical feed, Injection and Mixing
- RDH Technicians are trained to keep your system and equipment in compliance including and calibrations

Flumes & Controlled Manholes:
- All types and sizes of Flumes, weirs, and fixed flow devises installed including Orientation Drawings for your application

pH Neutralization System
- RDH designs and builds neutralization systems for existing and new applications.
Solar and AC battery backup
- Solar 12 & 24 volts systems including AC with battery back systems for new and existing application.