Installation and Servicing of Equipment, Systems, & Remote Monitoring

30 years of experience with installation and maintenance of multiple types and manufactures of equipment and systems 

RDH Technicians are trained to keep your system and equipment in compliance including Confined Space Entry and calibrations.


Confined Space Entry:

  • Trained and certified Personnel and Technicians for Confined Space Entry


  • Flow meters and sensors: Ultrasonic, Area Velocity, Flo-Dar (Laser), bubbler, pressure, and electromagnetic
  • Pumps: Chemical Feed, Injection and Mixing
  • Controls and meter setup, programming and troubleshooting

Remote Monitoring:

  • Cellular monitoring systems with text and web alerts, logging and displayed data & graphs.


  • Maintenance and Installation of multiple types of wastewater equipment and systems including Chemical feed, Injection and Mixing
  • RDH Technicians are trained to keep your system and equipment in compliance including and calibrations

Flumes & Controlled Manholes:

  • All types and sizes of Flumes, weirs, and fixed flow devises installed including Orientation Drawings for your application


pH Neutralization System

  • RDH designs and builds neutralization systems for existing and new applications.

Solar and AC battery backup

  • Solar 12 & 24 volts systems including AC with battery back systems for new and existing application.

Contact us about your service or equipment needs

Compliance Made Simple (602) 381-1960 |